
At East Herrington we strongly believe in ensuring children gain a deeper understanding of mathematics. To do this, children need to have firm foundations in using concrete equipment to develop this understanding. We then follow the CPA ( Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract) approach to learning when introducing new concepts ensuring this understanding continues.

The mathematics curriculum is currently delivered through Inspire Maths. This is completely followed in Year 1 – Year 3. Transition into Inspire 1 takes place at the end of reception. Year 4, 5 and 6 use materials and methods from Inspire as well as other resources from white rose hub and third space learning. All teachers plan using the white rose hub long term plan and map the Inspire curriculum to the National Curriculum to ensure that each year group follows the curriculum for its year group. All years follow the white rose hub medium term plans and assessments, with years 2 and 6 also completing previous SATs papers.

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