How do we support children in our school?
In each class we have worry boxes for pupils to share their worries and this is monitored by staff in each class.
Our school council discusses wellbeing at the start of each meeting and the two school counsellors from each class take any concerns to the meeting.
We have transition days prior to the end of a school year for the children to visit their new room and meet their new teacher. Extra meetings with the teacher take place if a pupil is finding a class move difficult.
We use OPAL as an approach to supporting children to play in the outdoors, this encourages connection with nature, playing with others and accessing free play. In addition to this the children take part in forest school sessions which further enhance their connection with nature and the outdoors.
Our reading cafe, which is a quieter indoor area, is available at lunchtimes for any children who need to sit somewhere quiet or do not want to be on the yard in a busier environment. to promote mental health and wellbeing and support for pupils who find busy lunchtimes stressful.
We have a positive behaviour policy in place to promote positive social behaviour and if any incidents do occur they are followed up with a restorative conversation. .
In EYFS and KS1 we use zones of regulation in classrooms for children to be able to identify their feelings on a daily basis. Lessons take place to support the children’s understanding of the Zones of Regulation and provide a consistent approach ( across the school )
We celebrate World Mental Health Day and Mental Health Awareness and plan activities for the whole school. We theme assemblies and stories around mental health and wellbeing.
We provide opportunities for relaxation and mindfulness: Relaxation and mindfulness techniques can be effective in reducing anxiety and promoting mental wellbeing. We offer meditation, mindfulness sessions
Wellbeing hubs – We have four sensory rooms/ wellbeing hubs across our school. Our sensory rooms promote relaxation and a quiet area to feel calm. This is especially beneficial for our students struggling with sensory overload or anxiety. These hubs are based in EYFS, KS1 and KS2.
FRIENDS for Life is a social skills and resilience curriculum for children in KS2 that has been reconised by the World Health Organisation as an effective tool set to prevent anxiety for children. It is proven to reduce anxiety and provide participants with strategies to rise to life’s challenges, and bounce back from setbacks and adversity. FRIENDS for Life also improves social-emotional skills, the ability to focus, confidence, the capacity to relax, regulate emotions, and develop empathy.
The Fun FRIENDS curriculum is for Foundation Stage and KS1 children and it helps build the social and emotional skills by using fun, play-based group activities. By learning resilience skills early in their development, children build confidence to facilitate a smooth transition into school life. Fun FRIENDS nurtures positive relationships with family and peers, encouraging children to thrive.