East Herrington Primary Academy
Welcome to our school website which aims to give you an insight into our wonderful school community where children and families are at the heart of everything we do.
At East Herrington Primary Academy, we pride ourselves on caring for everyone in our school community to ensure the best possible outcomes for all children. All staff provide a caring environment in which children feel secure and valued, helping all children to reach their true potential. “The school strongly promotes British values, through the curriculum and the warm and caring family ethos.” (Ofsted 2019)
Following on from an excellent start in Early Years, KS1 and KS2 continue to provide many opportunities within our broad, balanced and creative curriculum that ensure that all children have acquired the skills needed to carry on their crucial next steps in learning.
We are extremely proud of our school and all of its achievements. High expectations of behavior, staff, children and families help us to achieve the best for all. (“Pupils are consistently well behaved, polite and show an eagerness to learn and participate in their learning. Pupils show high levels of tolerance and respect for others. They are confident and they are supportive of one another. Every pupil at the school is keen to work hard and achieve their very best.” School improvement adviser Autumn 2018)
Children within our school have many fantastic opportunities including sporting, musical and social experiences which we believe enhances their development and helps to give them the best possible start to their education. “Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is promoted exceptionally well.” (Ofsted 2019)
East Herrington Primary Academy is a valued member of Balmoral Learning Trust and we work closely in partnership with the Trust to achieve the best outcomes for all children.
We hope that the information provided on this website will help to give you an idea of what life at East Herrington is like and inform you of the many and varied activities that the school is involved in throughout the academic year.
If you are reading this for the first time and would like to take a look around our school, please ring Mrs Wilson our school’s Office Manager and she will arrange an appointment for you to meet with either myself or another member of the Senior Leadership Team.
If you already have a child within our school, we hope that you will find all the information on this website informative. Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. If you would like a paper copy of any information within the website please let the school office know and we will provide this.
Mrs Hair